Maailma tunnustatuimad Briti ja Kanada häälekoolitajad Ida-Tallinna Keskhaiglas (UUS! Fotod)

24. mai 2013

23.-25.maini viivad kaks maailma tunnustatuimat häälekoolitajat, Jacob Lieberman Suurbritanniast ja Linda Rammage Kanadast läbi häälekoolitusi, kasutades hääleaparaadi normaalse funktsiooni taastamiseks osteopaatia meetodeid.

Jacob Lieberman on esimene spetsialist, kes kasutab kõri piirkonna lihaskonna mõjutamiseks osteopaatia meetodeid. Tänaseks on ta rakendanud oma välja töötatud metoodikat edukalt tuhandete hääleprobleemidega inimestel, ravides seejuures näitlejad, lauljad, õpetajad jt. Lisaks on ta tunnustatud logopeedide ja hääleseadjate õpetaja kogu maailmas.

Hääle väärkasutusest võivad märku anda erinevad aistingud, nt kuivus- või klombitunne kurgus, neelamisraskus, valulikkus kõneldes, hääle väsimus, hääle kähisemine või hääle kadumine. Funktsionaalse häälehäire põhjus on sageli kõripiirkonna lihaste ülemäärane pinge ja liigeste liikuvuse vähenemine.

Kanadas töötav Linda Rammage on logopeedina häälehäiretele spetsialiseerunud üle 30 aasta. Tema sulest on ilmunud mitmeid erialaseid õpikuid ja teadustöid: kutsealased ja lihaste väärkasutusest tingitud hääleprobleemid; häälehäirete hindamineja psühhopatoloogia, kõri ärritussündroom.

Koolitus on mõeldud logopeedidele, psühholoogidele, lauluõpetajatele jt inimestele, kellele hääl on töövahendiks. Koolituse teemad on kehaasend, kõri anatoomia ja üksikosade funktsioneerimine, hingamine, kõri ärritussündroom (krooniline köha, kõri nn spasm), emotsioonide roll häälehäire kujunemisel jpm.

Linda Rammage jätkab seminariga laiemale auditooriumile 25.mail, kus kõneldakse põhjustest, mille tagajärjel võib tekkida häälehäire. Linda Rammage koolitusel räägitakse kõri ärritussündroomist ja selle avaldumisvormidest, selgitatakse psühhogeensete häälehäirete olemust.

Ürituse kuraator on Merike Pärtel, Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla logopeed. 

Koolitus toimub Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla koolitusosakonna õppeklassis Pärnu mnt 104, ruumis MCO155 ja Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Magdaleena üksuse suures saalis, Pärnu mnt 104. 

Jacob Lieberman, MA, DO






Reg. Osteopath & Psychotherapist,
Specialist, management vocal crisis.

Jacob is an internationally acclaimed expert on physical and psychological management of voice disorders, 

He has been a member of the voice care team in the Voice Clinic at Queen Mary’s Hospital, in Sidcup, Kent, UK, for many years and now a team member of the voice clinic at Lewisham University Hospital London UK.. He has co-authored papers on the clinical relevance of posture and voice dysfunction and developed a comprehensive protocol for the physical examination of the larynx. He is using physical manipulation and psychoanalytic techniques in the management of a wide range of laryngeal dysfunction such as a ranges of voice disorders, globus, dysphagia, irritable larynx and a range of psychogenic presentations. He is the contributor to the text: The Voice Clinic Handbook (Harris et al, 1998, Whurr Publishers, London), Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders (Rubin Sataloff Korvin 2nd ed) and Treatment of Voice Disorders (B Sataloff Plural pub). His interest in the underlying emotional issues in many voice disorders resulted in the development of some clinical tools to aid in the identification of such issues.

Jacob has presented his approach in many scientific international meetings, run courses on physical examination of posture related voice problems, breathing and laryngeal function. He presented his work at Harvard University Hospital, Hamburg

University Hospital Huddinge University Hospitals and other major voice centers. 

Laryngeal physical therapy is becoming more and more accepted and a useful tool in the treatment of voice disorders and associated symptoms. Since Jacob is trained in Osteopathy his approach is very comprehensive and targets specific muscles and joints which are not addressed by none specific manual massage or “circumvent manual therapy” as described by Aronson.

The course includes detailed anatomy studies, safety considerations, expected outcome and more.

Linda Rammage, PhD, RSLP, SLP(C)





Linda received her MSc Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from UBC in 1979, then worked for 10 years at VGH, UBC and the BC Cancer Agency, prior to pursuing a PhD program in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, which she completed in 1992. On returning to BC, she was employed by UBC and supported by grant funding and a contract with the BC Ministry of Health to develop a provincial resource program for clinicians and clients with voice and related laryngeal disorders. She continues to direct the Provincial Voice Care Resource Program, within the interdisciplinary voice clinic located at VGH, and through mentoring and provincial outreach programs.

Linda has authored numerous chapters in textbooks on voice science and voice and related laryngeal disorders, and is co-author of 3 textbooks on these topics. She has published research on occupational voice problems, muscle misuse voice disorders, outcome measures for management of voice disorders, psychopathology of voice disorders and irritable larynx syndrome. She has presented on a variety of voice-related areas internationally. She teaches Voice Science and Voice Disorders in the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences at UBC.

Linda is an active volunteer within the professions of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, and has served as CASLPA President and Board member, twice as BCASLPA President and as chair and member of numerous committees for BCASLPA, and is currently the Chair of the Board of the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.

Linda spends her “spare” time caring for her 3 rescue dogs and maintaining her homes in Vancouver and Harrison Hot Springs.

Kontakt ja info:

Merike Pärtel
tel 5064300

Svea Talving
avalike suhete juht
Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla
